Step One: The Legislative Chambers (House & Senate)

  1. FIRST COMMITTEE HEARING - Amendments can be made by committee. Then the committee votes whether to send the amended bill to the full chamber. 

  2. FULL CHAMBER - The bill is then debated by the full chamber. Amendments can be made, then the whole chamber votes whether to pass the amended bill to the next step. 

  3. SECOND COMMITTEE HEARING - Again, amendments can be made by committee. Then the committee votes whether to send the amended bill to the full chamber. 

  4. FULL CHAMBER - Lastly, the bill will be debated by the full (second) chamber. 

*BOLD - opportunity for public to come to the Capitol and comment on legislation in person. 
*ITALIC - proceedings are streamed live online at

Step Two: Reconciling Different Versions Passed

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Step Three: The Governor

8a. The governor signs the bill, and it becomes a law!
8b. The governor vetoes the bill. The bill dies unless two-thirds (⅔) of both chambers vote to override the veto.
8c. The governor takes no action, and the bill becomes a law!